This webinar will focus on the following topics:
Þ Basics about carbon steel, stainless steel and high nickel alloys
Þ Differences in properties that affect welding behaviour
Þ The similarities and differences between welding the various families and grades of stainless steel and nickel alloys
Þ What welding can do to mechanical and metallurgical properties and particularly corrosion resistance
Þ Preparing to weld: effects of fabrication techniques and cleanliness, gaps, angles, fillers, welding method and heat input
Þ Welding workmanship, quality control and defect limits for different materials
Þ Inspection and post-weld cleanup

Gary Coates
Gary is Technical Manager for the Nickel Institute, Toronto, Canada.
He has worked in the stainless steel and nickel alloys industry for 45 years, the last 21 with the Nickel Institute. Welding has always been of major interest, as often welding is the weakest link in fabrication. He has worked with many different end use industries and with fabricators to ensure they have access to proper welding information. He is actively involved with many professional societies, including the American Welding Society, and is an active contributor to their Welding Forum. He has made many presentations worldwide on all aspects of the use of stainless steel and nickel alloys.