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The Singapore Welding Society (SWS) was formed in 1978 to advance the science, technology and application of welding. Currently, the society has over 500 members comprising of corporate, full, associate and student membership.

Welding is all around us. From microchips to oil rigs, from satellite to automobiles - welding holds our world together. Welding is the most efficient and economical joining technology in use today.

  • In construction, where steel is used for its design flexibility and economic advantages
  • In transportation – from cars to spacecraft – where strength and weight savings are vital
  • In manufacturing, where cost-effectiveness and reliability are vital

Welding is a process vital to the health of our economy, and it makes an important and sizable contribution to the nation’s growth. For our welding industry to remain competitive in this new economy, the society has focused on providing Education and Training for its members.

Education in the welding technology and related fields is required to train the next generation of welding engineers, weld designers, welding supervisors and technicians, welding inspectors and welders. Education is one of the keys to our success and progress.


Classrooms and Laboratories: The SETSCO Training Centre has two fully equipped classrooms and laboratory facilities to support the training programme.

Equipment: A large range of welding and inspection equipment is available for the use of trainees. The full facilities enable the student to acquire hands-on training on a variety of defect samples.

Defect Samples: An essential part of the hands-on training is the inspection of components that exhibit defects commonly found in industry. The training centre has a wide range of samples for practical hands-on sessions.

Instructors: All technical personnel are fully experienced and qualified in the subjects they teach.


The curriculum for courses follow international training/certification programmes established by API, AWS, ASNT, NACE, PCN, etc.


All training courses are conducted at SETSCO Training Centre, located at 18 Teban Gardens Crescent, Singapore 608925.



Phone: (65) 6816 2644
Email: secretariat@sws.org.sg
18 Boon Lay Way, #08-112 Tradehub 21
Singapore 609966